Andrey Kuznetsov
Dr. sc. ing., director of SIMOURG company
Author of methodologies for assessing and optimizing business processes of public agencies, author and practitioner of trainings on identifying and formalizing business processes using BPMN notation, on modeling and optimizing business processes.
Areas of expertise
- Identification, formalization, optimization and automation of business processes
- Seminars and trainings to improve the performance of public and private organizations of various types
- Audit and reengineering of organizational business processes, building effective systems of interdepartmental communication
- Design and analysis of e-government components and one-stop shop systems
- Automation of business processes of companies, organizations and their groups in various sectors
Examples of projects implemented
- Analysis and optimization of departmental and interdepartmental business processes for institutions and extractive sector enterprises, customs, health care, foreign trade, environmental protection and agriculture, finance, government and control organizations.
- Introduction of flexible and adaptive automation systems for management processes, document management, personnel management, project management, logistics, CRM, issuing permits and controls.
- Development of concepts and road maps of initiatives to improve the efficiency of public agencies and private companies, concepts and projects of e-government components and one-stop shop systems.
- Carrying out numerous trainings and training courses for public and private organizations (more than 10 countries), adapting programs to the specifics and problems of customers.
Public agencies and institutions: Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Latvia; Parliament, Bureau for Migration and Refugees and the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Moldova; Customs, Forestry Agency, Veterinary Service, Phytosanitary Service and Agency for standardization of the Republic of Tajikistan; Forestry Agency, Customs of the Republic of Kazakhstan and National Information Technologies JSC of the Republic of Kazakhstan; “Center for foreign trade one-stop shop” SE, Kyrgyzstandard, Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, Interbank Processing Center, Accounts Chamber and the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic; Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Mongolia; MilliKart (National Bank of Azerbaijan); UzbekExpertise and E-Government Center of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Private companies, representing various sectors of the economy from 17 countries in total.